
FLAC3D V9.1 and Griddle V2.0 2024
Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, Bochum Germany
26 Aug 2024 - 29 Aug 2024

Software Tutorials

MINEDW Tutorial (Part 3: Boundary Conditions)

In this tutorial we will take a look at the different boundary conditions available to the user, and we will go over some examples of different scenarios in which they would be used.

FLAC3D 6.0 Easily Add Structural Support
FLAC3D 6 Introductory Webinar

This video is a recording of a one hour webinar reviewing the latest features in Version 6 of FLAC3D (currently available as a pre-release). Presented by Dr. David Russell, FLAC3D Product Manager and Lead Developer.

Technical Papers

Graph-based flow modeling approach adapted to multiscale discrete-fracture-network models

In this study, we address the issue of using graphs to predict flow as a fast and relevant substitute to classical DFNs. We consider two types of graphs, whether the nodes represent the fractures or the intersections between fractures.

Deep Sublevel Cave Mining and Surface Influence

With increasing depth, higher stress and more difficult mining. With increasing depth is there more ground surface effects or less?

Three-dimensional Modeling and Stress Calibration for a Complex Mining Geometry

Study stress situation for potential continued mining towards greater depths; stress calibration against stress measurements using numerical modeling; and use of calibrated model to study stresses at existing infrastructure, study stresses at potential future haulage level locations, and as input to local models.

Latest News
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26 Aug
FLAC3D V9.1 and Griddle V2.0 2024
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